Format: 52 x 11min (HD) Audience: 7 – 11 Genre: Action Comedy Synopsis: Chuck Chicken takes place on an island called Rocky Perch, a land fills with chaos, mayhem and birds…lots and lots of birds. Welcome to Golden Egg Securities, the number one security service on Rocky Perch. Chuck runs the company with his two friends, Flick and Wing. They provide ‘Kung Fu style’ security and protection to the citizens of Rocky Perch. Chuck inherits a very special talisman in the shape of a golden egg, an object that bestows amazing powers on whoever possesses it, Chuck goes bizarre utilising his powerful new abilities.
Golden Egg Securities services are in great demand since the island is also home to the world’s pinkest criminal mastermind, Dr. Mingo, the Pink Flamingo, who is hell-bent on getting rid of Rocky Perch’s newest hero, Chuck so they may succeed in their evil plans.