Kisah Bawah Tanah, an upcoming animated comedy series, will be unveiled at the Malaysia Digital Content Festival 2023 (MYDCF). The festival begins today until Oct 1 and is held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
Kisah Bawah Tanah tells the tale of two teenage undead skeleton best friends, Zack and Sam. The series, aimed at viewers 13 years old and above, is set against the backdrop of South-East Asian supernatural folklore and interwoven with the challenges of growing up.
“Kisah Bawah Tanah is about bringing our South-East Asian stories on things that go bump in the night, throwing them in to the spotlight with well-established spooky archetypes and saying, ‘Yes, our stories and our folklore are equally as weird, equally as engaging and equally as entertaining’,” said Hendra Wardi, managing director of Bawah Tanah Sdn Bhd when contacted.
Kisah Bawah Tanah‘s inception began in 2018 when it won the Intellectual Property Creators Challenge contest held by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). Since then, it has achieved significant milestones including clinching the Silver award at the Tokyo Broadcasting Station’s DigiCON6 Asia Awards.
According to Hendra, Kisah Bawah Tanah will extend beyond the TV screen. There are plans to explore TikTok microshorts, webcomics, music, merchandise, on-ground activations and even the realm of web3.
The series is expected to premiere on screen the fourth quarter of 2024.
MYDCF, open to the public for free, is an event organised by MDEC. This annual digital content expo features the best in animation, games, creative tech, esports and more for fans to celebrate together with the content developers.
Source: The Star